
My Mother

Oh Mother, you soothe my heart
Caressing my mind, with tender thoughts
I ponder and pen few lines on you
I seek blessings from your heart,

Deep Within, a voice, I hear
Whispers slowly thru my ears
I listen and learn rhyme of life
with each word, spoken so loud,

As I creep into your space,
Your healing touch and caressing moves
Your palms touch my inner soul 
I bubble and gleam with happiness,

With naughty moves and kicking shots,
I see myself in your lap,
With open eyes and winning smile.
You hold me with your divine love

Oh, Mother, I stand, though brave enough,
For I see, you fed me well,
Thru sleepless nights and days along,
I bear to stand on my own.

Yet I fall when I take a step,
Your arms stretch and hold me tight
Your compassion pours in every act; 
Your warmth never ceases to act.

Oh Mother, I touch your holy feet,
With my heart and head along,
I bow and pay my obeisance, for I see,
Whole world is there, at your feet, in your bosom.

(This poem is being dedicated to all the mothers young or old.. for their selfless love and generous acts. This poem is a gift to my mother, on her birthday which falls on this Diwali.I salute all mothers for giving inspiration to their children to move ahead in life with compassion, courage and love.)

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